Commitment to Clean Instagram

Local Time: - Praia de Crena, Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande - Angra dos Reis - Brazil

It is our policy to be fully committed to sustainability. We operate Asalem with the aim of making minimal impact on the landscape and wildlife. From solar energy system and water heater, to a bioseptic sewage system.


We reduce, reuse and recycle solid waste by implementing composting programs and sourcing durable, repairable and recyclable products.


We are also proud to be involved in projects that benefit the community, such as organizing beach cleaning (Lopes Mendes, Praia do Sul & Leste, Crena) and helping to found the Peixinho Dourado children's school; supporting the capoeira school, sponsoring the annual chess tournament and local surfers, and much more. We work closely with our community to preserve their cultural heritage and improve their standards of living, education and health.



Solar water heater


Food waist composting




Surf Championship


Chess championship


Beach cleaning