Commitment to Clean Instagram

Local Time: - Praia de Crena, Vila do Abraão, Ilha Grande - Angra dos Reis - Brazil

The COVID-19 pandemic requires even more attention and care in service standards, hygiene, cleaning and regulations. In order to meet the requirements for adaptations, new HYGIENE AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS were developed based on standards from the World Health Organization, the Ministry of Health, Anvisa and other regulatory bodies. All to ensure the safety and well-being of our guests, employees and service providers.
Below are the main protocols adopted:


1. Masks required for all people passing through the hotel;
2. 70% alcohol gel available in common areas;
3. Acrylic protection at the counters or use of masks by receptionists;
4. Disinfection of pens, keys, masks and credit card machines before and after use by each guest;
5. All loan items are disinfected;


6. We follow international hygiene and safety standards, with safe cleaning methods to ensure the spread of the new coronavirus;
7. Even more frequent cleaning of common areas and frequently touched items, such as door handles and handrails, using regulated products used in hospital disinfection;
8. The rooms are aired at each check-out to renew the air;
9. The rooms are cleaned regularly carefully carried out, with disinfection of frequently touched items;


10. Breakfast is served buffet style, following all safety protocols, individual handles and use of a mask when serving;
11. In the breakfast and dinner area, the space is open, with tables and chairs properly spaced, and are disinfected before and after use by each guest;
12. All cutlery is sanitized after use and before the same;


13. All employees are being constantly guided to ensure the correct application of hygiene and safety protocols, in addition to all having already been vaccinated;
14. All our employees, suppliers and partners must meet health requirements to perform their activities;


Protocols may change at any time based on new guidelines from regulatory agencies.